Maddie and Wynn

Pancake Day
Shrove Tuesday or Fat Tuesday


Fun pancake Facts

  • Pancakes are made and eaten in almost every culture.
  • Origins of pancake date back to the Stone Age. 
  • Some people like them sweet, others prefer savoury.
  • Pancakes also known as flapjacks, griddlecakes and hotcakes
  • Highests recorded pancake toss is 9.47 m (31 feet 1 inch)
  • Most tosses of a pancake in one minutes – 140 flips!

pancakes with a cultural twist

French Crepes

Ghanaian Pancakes

Canadian Flapjacks

Peruvian Andean Pancakes

Step 1
Decide on the type of pancake you want to make.

Step 2
Check your pantry to determine what you might need to buy.

Step 3
Consider how many people will be eating pancakes with you, or how many pancakes you want to eat. 

Step 4
Now do the math, this will determine the amount of each ingredient you will need.

serve pancakes

  • sweet or savoury
  • topped or stuffed
  • at any meal 
  • as a snack 

Make a Rainbow Crepe cake

How high can it go?  


After friending the Leon family and attending cooking classes in Lima, Jojo began incorporating Chinka, Nikkei, Canadian, and French cuisine influences into his cooking. Chinka cuisine blends Peruvian and Chinese culture into a favourite food of people living in and visiting Peru. Cong You Bing, is a savoury flatbread with green onions, also known as a scallion pancake.   Nikkei cuisine twists together Peruvian and Japanese ingredients like miso, ginger, wasabi, rice vinegar, aji, yellow pepper, Andes potatoes and corn. Okonomiyaki is a Japanese pancake made with flour, eggs, shredded cabbage and a fish or meat preference. Canadian cuisine is based on its first (Indigenous) people and early immigration from England, Scotland, and France followed later by immigration from Central, Southern and Eastern Europe, South and East Asia and the Caribbean. Jojo is excited to learn more about Canada’s diversity in population and cuisine.  French cuisine is influenced by the traditions and practices of France as well as its neighbours – Spain, Italy, Switzerland, Germany and Belgium. Maddie, Jojo, and Victor made a crepe tower cake, each tier a color of their country of origin flag. See recipe below.

What or who influences the type of pancake you choose?  

Ready to try something different?

Cultural Twists

Some like them sweet. Others prefer savoury.

Frequently selected toppings include:

  • chocolate
  • cheese
  • lemon
  • fresh fruit
  • cinnamon
  • nutmeg
  • yogurt
  • sugar
  • jam
  • meats

Tools Required 

  • measuring tools
  • blender, mixer or whisk
  • flat spatula or flipper
  • frying pan: cast iron, crepe, non-stick, other


  1. c. = cup
  2. tsp = tsp
  3. tbsp = tablespoon

Tiered Crepe Cake

  • Whisk, mix or beat together 4 broken eggs and 2 c. flour
  • Gradually add 1 c. milk and 1 c. water
  • Add 4 tbsp. melted butter, pinch salt, sugar (optional preference))
  • Mix, whisk or beat until smooth 
  • Heat frying pan on medium (add small amount of oil or butter to avoid your crepe sticking to the plan)
  • Pour enough batter to thinly cover bottom of pan
  • Watch for small bubbles to appear or browning edges then lift + flip
  • Let cool before decorating with your favourite frosting or topping.

Measuring Matters
(most of the time)

Check out this measuring matters video for tips.

Ask for help if you need it.

What culture influences your cooking?

Do you have a recipe to share?

Send us your recipe along with a picture or video or your preparation or finished dish.
With your permission we will add it to Jojo's culturally braided cuisine collection.