
Maddie and Wynn


Video-Journalist Apprentice

WHAT IS video-journalisM?

Video journalism is a form of journalism, where the journalist shoots, edits, and often presents (promotes) his or her own video material. Wikipedia

Across the globe, with phone, tablet or camera in hand, people of all ages and experiences are capturing facts and truths as they appear and sharing them through an array of digital media platforms.  

How to become a video journalist

1. Get curious about the changes happening in the media industry. Discover what is (current state) and what could be (possibilities). 

2. Create your own videos with original or curated content.

3. Learn to write a script, apply treatment, record, edit, publish and promote your material. 

4. Watch videos on pre-production, production and post-production work of a videographer. 

5. Keep on learning in classrooms, online, and / or from those who are doing the work (find a mentor).

There are many career opportunities directly and indirectly related to digital media and journalism.
Some require S.T.E.A.M. education and others do not. 

Watch this 7-minute video to learn about the history and future of journalism.

video-journalism Knowledge, skills and competencies (Ksc) 

– curious about the industry’s current state and the disruption opportunities

– ability to write or collaborate on the writing of a script

– willingness to work alone or with others to produce quality content

– natural or trained filming experience

– ability to troubleshoot technical problems

– willingness to research and check facts from multiple perspectives i.e. lived experience perspective, stakeholder/community perspective, family or loved one’s perspective, academic perspective, political perspective, other perspectives.

– editing skills 

– attention to details without being a perfectionist 

– recognize the benefit of learning from your mistakes and success

– willing to take calculated risks

– marketing skill

video-journalism links

– YR Media is a national network of young journalists and artists who create multimedia content for this generation.

– youth Journalism.org  

– Canadian Youth Journalism Project

video and mutli-media journalism career paths 

– documentary director
– production assistant
– grip or equipment manager
– screen or script writer
– content editor
– videographer or assistant
Career options and locations are wide and varied. Google video journalism or multi-media journalism or documentary ( non-fictional motion-picture (or other content) intended to “document reality, primarily for the purposes of instruction, education, or maintaining a historical record (or entertainment)”. Wikipediaopportunities to learn more.

Terresa Augustine is a certified career development professional. She has been assisting people find their way out of academic, professional, and technical careers they disliked and helped others navigate their way into and/or through a preferred career path since 1990. Between 2002 and 2006 she worked with the Career Consortium of Canada, Canada’s National Sector Councils, and the Government of Canada to research and implement a national integrated deliver strategy to address Canada’s current and pending skills gaps. She continues to guide people through their entrepreneurial or political careers as a mentor with Canada’s Executive Services Organization.


Do you have a youth journalism to add here?
Send us your youth journalism link and/or video project and if we can we will post it here.